FitMom - Postpartum Workout Plan
FitMom - Postpartum Workout Plan

FitMom - Postpartum Workout Plan

Recover from Labor

And Regain Your Strength

Get Started
Hi, I'm Tal

Hi, I'm Tal

And I'm proud to say that I've had the honor and privilege of training hundreds of women all over the world. In addition to being a specialized Prenatal & Postpartum fitness trainer with more than a decade of experience, I am also a mother of two, so trust me when I say: I've been there too :)

I've been filming and building this program ever since I was pregnant with my first son, and I'm very proud of the result. It is my mission to motivate you and keep you energized throughout your journey!

How does it all work?

How does it all work?

1. Choose your recovery stage

From the very first days after giving birth and all the way through the first year of motherhood

2. Choose your workout plan
I guide you step by step, making sure you are recovering and progressing safely

3. Start Moving

No matter where you are - access at any time and get full support

Postpartum Recovery Kit

Diastasis Recti Control

FitMom Moving Again - Beginner Workouts

Going Stronger - Advanced Postpartum Exercise

Workout anywhere, anytime!

FitMom is a one of a kind, specialized fitness program for new moms, from the day you give birth until your baby is one y/o, created by Postpartum Fitness Expert, former Nike trainer and mother of two, Tal Siperman-Cohen


  • Soft session to help you navigate through those first weeks
    after getting back from the hospital

  • Gentle workout plans, designed to encourage your natural recovery - slowly and safely

  • Diastasis Recti (Abdominal Separation) workouts

  • Full body workout plans by level: From beginner to advance



  • Full verbal guidance in the videos

  • Unlimited chat access to your trainer

  • Full access from ANY device you want


  • Planning on another child?
    Get full access to FitBump as soon as you get pregnant again

Don't Hesitate, Take Care of YOU!

Thinking of the next round? This one is for you: